If it matters to business, it matters to us. Here are some of the key files that we’re watching — and shaping — as Saskatoon’s voice for business.

May 15, 2024

Canada’s Competition Bureau Focuses Attention on  Airline Sector

The Chamber is very pleased to see that Canada’s Competition Bureau will begin a market study specifically focused on the state of competition within Canada’s airline sector.  The review will include a look at policies and regulations that concern both domestic air passengers as well as the workers and entrepreneurs who enable these services.
May 1, 2024

SABEX Award Applications Now Open!

The Chamber is excited to announce a new award to the line-up for 2024. The Women for Women award sponsored by The Prairie Grazer will be presented to a growing woman-owned business that inspires, empowers, and contributes to the success of others, particularly women, and stands out as a role model for others to follow